Hello Everyone,
Today We will see how to register in online programme on School Leadership.
Step 1 : Visit Programme on School Leadership Managment Website (pslm.niepa.ac.in).
Step 2 : Click on Register Button . this located on the website right top corner. Register
Step 3 : There are 18 Fields .
1. Username
2. Password
3. Email
4. Email Again for Verification
5. Firstname
6. Lastname or Surname
7. School Address
8. State
9. District
10. Employment ID (IF You have)
11. Contact No.
12. Gender
13. UDISE No
14. Designation
15. Levels
16. School Type
17. Langaguge
Step 4 : Fill All Details.
Step 5: After the Fill click on Submit Button.
Step 6 : You Received Verfication mail on your registered Email ID.
Step 7 : Open your registered email id.
Step 8 : Check the Verification mail in your id.
Step 9 : Click on Blue colour Link.
Step 10: Now you can check your dashboard.
Thank You !
I want to join
Very good
I want to join
I want to join
I want to join
I require the course to manage the school properly
I require the course to run the school properly