CESI’s 14th Annual International Conference: Exploring the Interplay of State, Market, and Civil Society in Education
Theme: State, Market and Civil Society: Rethinking Education for Sustainable Futures
The Comparative Education Society of India (CESI) is excited to announce its 14th Annual International Conference, set to take place in 2024. The central theme, “State, Market and Civil Society: Rethinking Education for Sustainable Futures,” invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to engage in a deep examination of how these three crucial institutions interact and shape the educational landscape, with a focus on building sustainable futures.
Conference Overview
In an era marked by rapid political, economic, and social changes, the relationships between the state, market, and civil society are constantly evolving. This year’s CESI conference aims to dissect these complex interactions and their impact on education, particularly in the context of sustainability. The conference will provide a platform for critical discussions on the ideological debates and evidence supporting various perspectives on these relationships.
Key Areas of Focus
The theme is particularly timely given the substantial transformations education systems have undergone due to neoliberal policies. Neoliberalism has emphasized free-market growth, leading to significant changes in institutions like education and health. The push for market efficiency and accountability has often resulted in increased stratification and differential access to resources, raising concerns about social justice.
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have also played a pivotal role in education, especially through initiatives like Education for All (EFA) and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in India. However, their roles are evolving with the rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funding and the involvement of Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs). These changes necessitate a reevaluation of the roles of CSOs, the state, and the market in the educational sector.
Subthemes for the Conference
To facilitate a comprehensive exploration, the conference invites abstracts on the following subthemes:
- Contradictions, linkages, and partnerships among state, market, and civil society
- Higher education and sustainable democracy
- Early childhood education and schooling for sustainable futures
- Decoloniality, globalization, and internationalization
- Comparative research methods in education
- Global and local influences on curriculum and pedagogy
- The role of teachers and teacher education in sustainable futures
- Histories of educational development in the global south
- Identities, education, and inclusion
- Language, arts, and culture in education
- Education technology, artificial intelligence, and digital social inequality
- Education, nation-states, and marginalized groups
- Education, sustainability, and urbanization
- Education, citizenship, and resistance
- The political economy of education
- Financing and management of education
- Policy reforms and policy frameworks
- Educational philosophies and sustainable futures
- Philosophical foundations of educational systems
- Integrating ethics into educational practice
- Gendered negotiations in education
- Regulatory frameworks of education
- Stratification and inequalities in education
Important Dates
- Last Date for Submission of Abstracts: June 30, 2024
- Acceptance of Abstracts: August 15, 2024
Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts should be between 1200-1500 words.
- Submissions should align with the conference subthemes or the broader vision of CESI’s Research Interest Groups (RIGs).
- For panel proposals, submit a single document including a brief note on the panel theme and individual abstracts.
- Abstracts must be submitted through the official CESI website: CESI Abstract Submission.
- Email submissions will not be accepted.
STEPS to Submit Abstract for Annual Conference.
Step 1:
Visit COMPARATIVE EDUCATION SOCIETY OF INDIA (CESI) official website www.cesindia.net.
And click on Conference 2024 Tab
Step 2:
Once redirected to the external website https://cesi.presentyourpaper.org/, you will find the Apply Button. Clicking on the Apply Button will then redirect you to the registration page.
Step 3:
After opening the registration page, you will need to fill out all the required fields.
To participate in the 14th Annual International Conference by the Comparative Education Society of India (CESI), you need to fill out a registration form. Here is a guide to help you complete the form with all the necessary information.
Required Fields
- Username:
- Create a unique username for your CESI account.
- Example:
- Email ID:
- Provide a valid email address that will serve as your login ID.
- Ensure this is an email you frequently use, as you will receive a verification email here.
- Example:
- Contact No:
- Enter your contact number including the country code.
- Example:
- Gender:
- Select your gender.
- Options might include: Male, Female, Other, Prefer not to say.
- Designation:
- Mention your current designation or job title.
- Example:
Assistant Professor
- Password:
- Create a secure password for your CESI account.
- Make sure it’s something memorable but hard for others to guess.
- Example:
- CESI Membership No:
- Provide your CESI membership number.
- If you are not a member, check if you need to become one before registering.
- Example:
CESI/AM/12345, CESI/LM/12345
- Affiliation:
- Indicate your current institution or organization affiliation.
- Example:
Panjab University, Chandigarh
- Nationality:
- Specify your nationality.
- Example:
- Address:
- Provide your full address for correspondence.
- Example:
1234, ABC Street, Sector 17, Chandigarh, 160017, India
Step 4:
After submitting your registration form, you will receive a verification email at your registered email address.

Step 5:
The verification email will come from the Comparative Education Society of India. Inside the email body, you will find a blue link. Please click on the blue link (verification link) to verify your email.
Step 6:
After successful verification, you will need to log in with your registered email ID and password.
Step 7:
After logging in, you will be directed to the Dashboard. Here, you can find the “Submit Your Abstract” tab.
Direct Link for Submit an Abstract : https://cesi.presentyourpaper.org/app/register.php
Contact Information
For any conference-related queries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee at Panjab University, Chandigarh:
- Deeksha Sharma: 9646991353
- Guru Trisha Singh: 7355776969
- Email: cesiconference2024@gmail.com
We look forward to your participation in shaping the discourse on education for sustainable futures