How to Download Certificate of Programme on school Leadership PSLM

Please follow these steps…..

Step 1 : Open PSLM website

Step 2 : Login your account with Username and password:

Step 3 : After Login You have to click on Certificate Button.

Step 4 : After the click on certificate button . You can see “Certificate of national Centre for School LeadershipCustom certificate” . Now Please click on this link. If you see Restricted Not available unless: You completed this course. 

Step 5 : Now you can see here . Your certificate is ready for download. Click on Download Button. And download your certificate.

Thank You !


6 thoughts on “How to Download Certificate of Programme on school Leadership PSLM

  1. सर माझे प्रमाणपत्र नावाने दिसत नाही.

    1. प्रमाणपत्र नावाने daownlod होतं नाही. मार्गदर्शन करावे.

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