International Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (IDEPA)


The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) is a premier organization engaged with capacity building and research in policy making, planning and administration of education. The Institute was established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (now Ministry of Education), Government of India. The Institute is an apex national institution of educational planning and administration and is actively engaged in educational research, training and consultancy.


About International Diploma In Educational Planning And Administration (Idepa)

NIEPA offers an International Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (IDEPA) for the senior and middle educational policy makers, planners and administrators annually from the developing countries. IDEPA was started in the year 1985 as a sequel to the recommendations of the sub-regional meeting for Asian countries organised by the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO in 1983. The National Institute has successfully completed as many as thirty six such IDEPA Programmes, one in each successive year. Over the years, participation in terms of number of countries and participants has increased considerably.


IDEPA is aimed at helping countries in building their national capacities in educational planning and administration, to promote the spirit of regional cooperation, international understanding and goodwill through exchange of experiences on subject matter and issues important to the development of human resource.


The Programme is envisaged at fostering cooperation among countries and an understanding of the changing role of present day educational administrators in meeting the challenges of education. The Programme looks at broader aspects of educational planning and administration and creating the requisite knowledge among the participants to enable them to meet the global challenges vis-à-vis challenges of their country for its development. IDEPA encompasses the principles, concepts and techniques of educational planning, supervision, administration, management and leadership for fulfilling the national goals and meeting local requirements of various countries. In this regard, it tries to develop skills of analysis, statistical interpretation, forecasting, project preparation for macro and micro level educational planning, on the one hand, and effective managerial leadership skills in educational administration, project management and programme implementation on the other.


  1. Educational personnel engaged in the planning and administration of elementary and secondary sectors of education at the national, provincial, district or institutional level and also at the system level (i.e., Ministry of Education or Directorates of Education) are eligible. It may kindly be noted that school and university teachers and other educational staff are not eligible for this programme.
  2. Heads of educational institutions, regional and district education departments, teacher training colleges who are likely to assume higher responsibilities in educational planning and administration.

Duration OF the Course

The IDEPA Programme is for the duration of six months and is conducted in two phases.

First Phase (1 February – 30 April 2024 at NIEPA, India) The first Phase of the programme involves three months intensive curricular work at NIEPA, New Delhi. This Phase is residential and participants are required to stay in the campus throughout this phase.

Second Phase (1 May – 31 July 2024 in Home Country) The second phase entails a Field Research Project Work in the participant’s home country, through his/ her own efforts (guidance for which will be provided by NIEPA Faculty during the first phase and will continue during this phase also.)



The course consists of three major components: intensive curricular work; applied work; and Project Work.

During the first phase intensive curricular work and applied work is carried out for the duration of three months’ at NIEPA. The intensive curricular work consists of courses on educational planning and management. Correspondingly, the applied work consists of Country Paper Presentation, Thematic Seminar, Research Design of a Project Work and Educational Study Visit.

Thematic Seminar is an integral part of the training programme that provides an opportunity to each participant or a group of participants from one country to share his/her/their views based on factual data and experience on the theme. Seminar Theme for the 2024 Diploma Programme is “Role of Educational Administrator in School Education”. Participants are, therefore, requested to bring along with them relevant data and material pertaining to the above theme and also present the unique features of the education system of their own country.




The programme is residential during the first phase and the Institute provides hostel accommodation for all the participants on single room basis in NIEPA.

Spouse and children are not allowed to stay with the participant during the first phase.


The Institute has an excellent Library with a collection of over 60,000 books related to educational planning and administration and related subjects. It subscribes to more than 350 Indian and foreign academic periodicals and also maintains a rich documentation centre.


The National Institute has a modern, well-equipped Computer Centre to support its academic as well as training activities.

 Participants are encouraged to carry their laptops.


Medical care is available to the participants for minor ailments only (excluding eye testing, spectacles and dentures) in the Hostel. The Institute will provide only basic medical in-house care. For persisting ailments participants are encouraged to take up an adequate travel and medical insurance at their own expense. A copy of the insurance policy may be deposited with NIEPA for information.

NIEPA does not reimburse any expenses for medical treatment, such expenditure has to be borne by the participants from their living allowance.

Enquiry Details

               For further details, please write to:

Department of Training and Professional Development in Education National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) (Deemed to be University)

Add : 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016, INDIA


Phones: (+91-11) 26544836, 26544871



#idepa, #niepa, #educationMinistry

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