Personal Mastery

A mental change from viewing ourselves as distinct from the environment to seeing ourselves as part of it, from seeing issues as being caused by something or someone ‘out there,’ to recognising how our own actions contribute to the difficulties we face, is at the core of a learning organisation. Those who work in learning organisations are always learning how to shape their reality and how to do so. Senge, Peter

It entails looking in the mirror at ourselves. It begins with outlining the issues that are truly important to us.

Personal Mastery is the first discipline of a Learning Organization. Some premises underlying practices of personal mastery are:

Personal Vision and Purpose: Having a strong sense of “How can I make a difference?” in mind.

“Personal vision is the key to releasing purpose’s power. A person’s personal vision is effective to the extent that it articulates their core goals. It serves as a means of giving actions and commitments a meaning. PeterSenge Fieldbook for the Fifth Discipline

Personal values: Following and living by a certain set of principles.

Personal perception: a more accurate view of who we are. This includes how you see other people, things, and circumstances.

The degree to which our personal vision, purpose, values, and behaviours are consistent with one another is referred to as personal alignment.

Personal awareness is the degree to which you are aware of or eager to become aware of oneself.

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